We had to say goodbye to our precious Tim and Bob on 5 Nov 2020. They had been struggling for a while getting around due to chronic arthritis as a result of the neglect they suffered prior to coming to the wood. Although they had daily massages and a course of prescribed and natural treatment their health continued to deteriorate. It's never easy making such a decision but when an animal is in constant pain and has no quality of life then the kindest thing is to let them go. They will always be together free of pain and will remain in our hearts. We miss you Tim and Bob, you were such lovely pigs.
Tim (Tiny Tim) arrived with his mate Bob in February 2018. He was rescued from an allotment where there were 17 other pigs. They were badly neglected as they were living in very poor conditions. Tim was picked on by the larger boar, they jumped on him and bit off his tail.
Bob always tried to protect him, they were always together.
After all he had been through, he still loved his belly getting rubbed!