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We are extremely grateful for your continued support in these uncertain times.  We couldn't run our sanctuary without the generosity of our supporters.

How to Donate

Pay via PayPal

Click the donate button and follow the online instructions

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Pay by bank transfer

Bank:  TSB          

Sort code:  77-11-02

Account No: 11069668

Account Name:  Pigs in the Wood


Any donation, big or small, is very welcome.  100% of donations are used to fund Pigs in the Wood from feed, water, straw, shelter repairs and maintenance. 

If you wish to pay by debit/credit card, you can use the PayPal donate option.  Simply enter the amount you wish to donate, click Donate with PayPal, enter your mobile or email address and click next, and then enter the relevant details in the "pay with debit or credit card" section (we won't see it).  At the bottom of the page, untick the box to create a PayPal account and continue as a guest. 


If you are able to give a regular monthly amount you can do so via the PayPal option where you can select the amount you wish to give, then tick the box “Make this a monthly donation”. Alternatively if you prefer to donate via a standing order, please use the bank details above.

Any amount is greatly appreciated, thank you so much for your support.

Other ways to support us

Adopt a resident.  You can either adopt for yourself or buy an adoption for a friend.  See the adopt page for further details.

Visit our online shop.  We have a range of merchandise and other gifts available to buy.

Visit us.  We would love to show you around our sanctuary.  You will be shown around by one of our experienced volunteers, and meet some of our wonderful residents.  It's a fun and interactive adventure.  See our visits page to find out how to book your place.

Come to an event.  We have a selection of special events and open days throughout the year, so come along and join in the fun.  See our events page for more details.

Volunteer.  We are always desperate for volunteers to help us, so get in touch.  Whether this is helping feed and look after our animals, maintenance of our shelters and fencing, fund raising.  There's a lot of ways you can help us.  

Follow us on social media and share our posts.  We have Facebook and instagram account so give us a like and see what we have been up to.

Donate something we need by purchasing off our Amazon Wishlist. Items are then sent direct to us:

You can also donate whilst shopping online. Use easyfundraising

to shop with over 3,600 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.

Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Pigs In the Wood at no cost to you.  It’s that easy!

Find out more here:

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© 2021 Pigs in the Wood  

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