Success Stories

Three Little Pigs
In November 2023, we were notified about three piglets that had been abandoned in a woodland a few miles away from the sanctuary. They were around eight weeks old but had already been living in the wild for around five weeks, and some very kind locals had been feeding them. Sadly, there was evidence that a group of hunters were making plans to hunt them with dogs, and indeed one piglet had already sustained a very large, open wound on the back of her neck.
Together with Every Pig Rescue Service, we managed to secure the piglets as a matter of urgency and bring them to the sanctuary where they would be safe. Here they were given the names Joni, Ziggy and Hope, and Hope's maggot-infested wound was treated successfully.
Some of our female pigs have taken quite a shine to these babies, particularly Chloe and Tilly (pictured with them). It can often be difficult integrating new pigs into the herd, but when it comes to little ones the mothering instinct seems to take over.
We hope to eventually find a loving home for these three survivors, but until then they will remain in the safety of our sanctuary.
Our Save The 15 Pigs Campaign
In June 2023, we along with Every Pig Rescue Service negotiated with a local farmer to stop breeding pigs and allow us to find homes for his last remaining stock. This was not an easy task, as larger commercial breeds are harder to rehome than smaller breeds. However, we were determined that these 8 adult pigs and 7 piglets, would have the lives they deserved. We also had the opportunity to rehome a calf called Bruno, who had injured his pelvis, and two other calves who were destined for slaughter.
The costs of the whole campaign were huge, as not only did we need to look after the pigs on the farm until new homes could be found, but the boars needed to be castrated, and there were other veterinary, re-homing and transportation costs too. To raise funds we set up a gofundme account, and reached out to other sanctuaries for help. The response was amazing, both from a fund-raising perspective but also from other sanctuaries offering homes too. In just three short months we had found homes for all of the pigs and the three calves. Some of these pigs had been kept in their small concrete pens for six years, without ever being able to behave naturally. What's more, the mother pigs were able to stay with their babies, which is something that was always denied them in the past.
This case was so important to us, as not only were we able to save the lives of the last remaining pigs on the farm, but it meant that the constant cycle of breed to kill ended there. So not only were these lives saved, but the lives of so many future victims who would have been bred into the meat industry.
Here's a few pictures of some of the lucky ones in their new homes.
We would like to thank everyone who helped us by donating and sharing our appeal. Special thanks to the wonderful people who offered a home to these precious babies: -
Lotus Lamb & Sheep Sanctuary (Georgina & her piglets Larry, Curly & Mo plus boars Henry and Harold)
Tribe Animal Sanctuary (Summer)
Coppershell Animal Rescue (Bruno, Trev & Theo the calves)
Footprints Animal Sanctuary (Joey the boar, Bella & pregnant Lily)
Pigs in the Paddock (piglets Rupert & Albie)
Smiles for Miles Sensory Farming CIC (Poppet and her piglets Percy & Peppa)